Tip of the Week – Archery #4: Executing the Shot

Tip of the Week - Archery #4: Executing the Shot|archery4

Griffin & Howe’s head of archery Tim Peschl talk about how to smoothly execute a shot using the mechanical release aid, and how to follow through after the shot. https://www.youtube.com/embed/6D_eYjAqLGU

Griffin & Howe at Dallas Safari Club 2024

Whelen Back

Griffin & Howe will be showcasing our exceptional firearms and services at booth 4621 during the upcoming DSC Convention in Dallas from January 11th – 14th.  The Dallas Safari Club is a highly anticipated gathering of hunting enthusiasts, conservationists, and outdoor adventurers from around the world.  Below are some of the premium firearms from a […]

Tip of the Week – Shotgun #4: Basic Gun Fit

Tip of the Week - Shotgun #4: Basic Gun Fit|shotgun4

Our lead shotgun instructor Kevin Sterk talks about the four key dimensions for any shotgun fit; length of pull, the distance from the front of the comb to the tip of the nose, cast and comb height, and the correct pitch for sitting in the shoulder. Did you know we offer gun fit appointments at […]

Tip of the Week – Archery #3: Anchor Point

Tip of the Week - Archery #3: Anchor Point|archery3

Griffin & Howe’s head of archery Tim Peschl talk about the importance of establishing your anchor points – the point on the face that is used as a reference to consistently aim and release the arrow accurately. https://youtu.be/Rwa4UhY9SRY