Our lead shotgun instructor Kevin Sterk talks about the four key dimensions for any shotgun fit; length of pull, the distance from the front of the comb to the tip of the nose, cast and comb height, and the correct pitch for sitting in the shoulder.
Did you know we offer gun fit appointments at Griffin & Howe?
A badly fitting gun doesn’t just cause your shooting to suffer – it could also lead to bruising and injury on your jawbone and shoulder. A shotgun that isn’t the right size for you can also encourage bad habits in your mount and stance.
If you’re looking to customize your shotgun or have a custom stock made, we recommend you book a gun fit appointment with Kevin. Over the course of two hours, Kevin will take you out onto our sporting clay course with a fully adjustable ‘try-gun’, and alter the stock dimensions, trigger pull and lengths to your exact requirements until you are happy with the result and fit. We can then take the complete set of your individual measurements and pass them to our gunsmithing department, who can either create a fully custom stock for you, or alter the cast, stock length, trigger and rim on your gun so that you have a complete custom fit.
To book a gun fit, please email bookings@griffinhowe.com or call 973-398-2670.